Therespirulina, Afood supplementrich innutrients, can offer manybenefitsfor themseniors. Thismicro-algaeis known to be a great way toto strenghtenTHEimmune systemandcombatthe negative effects ofaging.

Spirulina, a source of Essential Nutrients
Spirulina contains Large Love of Protein, Vitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants.
This makes onefood supplementvery useful forseniorswho can suffer fromnutritional deficitsdue to ainadequate foodor aloss of appetite. Therespirulinais in particular rich in:
Iron, who warns theanemiaand promotes the production ofred blood cells
Calcium, which strengthensboneand warns theosteoporosis
Magnesium, which regulates theheart rateand theblood pressure
Zinc, which stimulates theimmune systemand thehealingwounds
Vitamin A, which protects thevisionand theskin
Vitamin B12, which supports the functioning ofnervous systemand the training of theDNA
Vitamin E, which protectscellsofoxidative stressAnd warns thepremature aging
Vitamin K, which promotes theblood clottingand the health ofvessels
Beta-carotene, which has propertiesanti-inflammatoryAndantioxidants
Chlorophyll, Whodetoxifiesthe body andpurifiesblood
Spirulina, an ally for traffic and inflammation
Spirulina is also a source of phycocyanin, a pigment that can help improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation.
This can be particularly useful forseniorswho can suffer fromjoint painandtraffic problems.
Therephycocyaninhas effectsvasodilators, that is to say that shedilateTHEblood vesselsand improves theblood flow.
This can helppreventTHEcardiovascular diseases, like thehypertension, L'atherosclerosisor theinfarction.
TherephycocyaninAlso has effectsanti-inflammatory, that is to say that sheinhibethe production of somemoleculeswhich cause theinflammation.
This can helprelieveTHEjoint pain, like thearthritisor theosteoarthritis, as well asinflammatory disorders, like theasthmaor theallergies. ou les allergies.
Spirulina, support for the immune system
Spirulina can also helpthen the immune system for seniors.
This is due to its high content inunsaturated fatty acids, inantioxidantsand inenzymeswhich can help fight the negative effects offree radicalon the body.
THEfree radicalareunstable moleculesthat damagecellsand theDNA.
They are produced by themetabolism, but also by external factors, such aspollution, THEtobaccoor thesun.
Free radicals are involved in theagingand in the development of somediseases,, like thecancer, THEdiabetesor theAlzheimer's disease.
Therespirulinacontainsunsaturated fatty acids, like theGamma-Linolenic acid, which have propertiesanti-inflammatoryAndimmunomodulators.
This means that they canmodulatethereimmune responseand make it more effective.
Spirulina also containsantioxidants, like theVitamin E, THEbeta-caroteneor thephycocyanin, which canneutralizefree radicals andprotectcells ofoxidative stress.
Spirulina finally containsenzymes, like theDismutase superoxideor theCatalase, which can alsoeliminatefree radicals and reduce the risk ofCell damage.
Spirulina, A Remedy for Mental Health
Spirulina Can also Help Holding Good Mental Health by Improving the Quality of Sleep and Reducing Stress.
This can be particularly useful for seniors who may suffer from depression or anxiety due to loneliness or other age -related factors.
Spirulina contains tryptophan, an amino acid that is the precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, sleep and appetite. Spirulina can therefore promote the production of serotonin and improve psychological well-being.
Spirulina also contains phenylalanine, an amino acid which is the precursor of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that intervenes in pleasure, motivation and concentration. Spirulina can therefore stimulate the production of dopamine and increase the joie de vivre.
Spirulina finally contains tyrosine,An amino acid that is the precursor of noradrenaline, a neurotransmitter that acts on stress, attention and memory.
Spirulina can Therefore Moderate the Production of Noradrenaleine and Reduce Stress.
Spirulina, A BENEFICIAL FOOD Supplement for menopause
Spirulina can also offer benefits for women who are daring menopause.
Theremenopauseis the moment whenovariescease to producefemale hormones, like theestrogensand theprogesterone. This leadsphysical and psychological changes, like theheat puff, THEmood disorders, therevaginal drynessor theosteoporosis.
Therespirulinacan helprelievesome ofsymptomsmenopause, thanks to its propertieshormonal,antioxidantsAndanti-inflammatory.
Spirulina, a source of Vegetable Hormones
Spirulina contains phytoestrogens, plant substances that have a chemical structure similar to estrogens. Phytoestrogens can be binded to estrogen receptors in the body and exert similar effects or opposed to those of natural estrogens.
Phytoestrogens can therefore compensate for the drop in estrogensDuring menopause and alleviate the associated symptoms, such as heat puffs, night sweats, mood swings or vaginal drought.
Phytoestrogens can also prevent osteoporosis, a loss of bone density that increases the risk of fractures. Estrogens play an important role in maintaining bone health, stimulating the formation of new bone tissue and inhibiting the absorption of ancients.
Phytoestrogens can therefore imitate the effects of estrogens on bones and protect them from degradation.
Spirulina, a powerful antioxidant
Spirulina is also a powerful antioxidant, which can help fight oxidative stress, a phenomenon that accelerates aging and promotes the development of certain disisses.
THEoxidative stressis caused by aimbalanceBetween the production offree radicaland the ability of the body toneutralize.
Free radicals areunstable moleculesthat damagecellsand theDNA. They are produced by themetabolism, but also by external factors, such aspollution, THEtobaccoor thesun.
Oxidative stress can have consequencesharmfulon health, like thepremature agingskin, thedegenerationof theretinaor theerectile dysfunction.
Therespirulinacan helpreduceoxidative stress, thanks to its high content inantioxidants, like theVitamin E, THEbeta-carotene, therephycocyaninor theDismutase superoxide.
These antioxidants canneutralizefree radicals andprotectcells ofaginganddiseases.
Spirulina can also help increase the levels ofglutathion, Aendogenous antioxidantwhich is essential for the functioning ofimmune system, ofliverandbrain.
Glutathione can be reduced by thestress, therepollutionor thefood. Spirulina can therefore contribute torestoreglutathione andto strenghtentheredefenseof the organization.
Spirulina, a Natural Anti-Inflammatory
Spirulina is also anti-inflammatory anti-inflammatory, which can help rail the bread and unknowns linked to menopause.
Inflammation is a reaction from the immune system which aims to eliminate pathogens or foreign substances. However, inflammation can also be chronic and cause damage to healthy tissue.
Inflammation can be triggered or aggravated by the drop in female hormones during menopause.Inflammation can then cause symptoms such as joint pain, headache, digestive disorders or urinary tract infections.
Spirulina can help reduce inflammation, Thanks to its content of unsaturated fatty acids, phycocyanin and beta-carotene.
These substances can inhibit the production of certain molecules which cause inflammation, such as prostaglandins, cytokines or the factor of tumor necrosis. Spirulina can Therefore Help Returns Pain and Discomfort related to inflammation.
Spirulina for Seniors: a Natural Ally for Health and Well-Being
THEseniorscan greatly benefit from thespirulina, Asuperfoodrich inessential nutrients.
Thismicro-algaeoffers a multitude ofHealth benefitsthanks to its propertiesantioxidantsAndanti-inflammatory.
Benefits of spirulina for the elderly:
Strengthens The Immune System
Oxidative Fights Stress
Essociates Joint BREAD
Improves Blood Traffic
For themmenopausal women, spirulina can be particularly beneficial in:
Mitigating the Symptoms of Menopause
Compensating for the Hormonal Decrease
Inflammation reducing
Where to buy quality spirulina?
Discover ourFrench spirulinaon our website. CultivatedresponsibleAndsustainable, our spirulina is available atonline orderwith afast deliveryat home.
Presert Your Health With Spirulina
By integrating spirulina into their diet, seniors can contribute tomaintain their vitalityAndImprove their quality of life.
For more information onSpirulina benefitsDo not hesitate to contact us.
Our team will be happy to answer all your questions about thisnatural food supplement.
