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Spiruline en paillettes - paquet de 100g - spiruline du rocher

La Spiruline du Rocher’s spirulina flakes: a natural and local superfood for your health!

What is spirulina? Spirulina is a blue-green microalgae that contains a wide variety of essential nutrients, such as proteins, iron, phycocyanin, beta-carotene, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in antioxidants that protect your body from premature aging and oxidative stress. Spirulina is a health food that has many positive effects on your well-being. It strengthens your immune system, improves your vitality, beautifies your skin and hair, and prevents iron deficiencies.

How to consume spirulina flakes? Spirulina flakes are easy to consume: you can sprinkle them on your salads, cooked dishes, smoothies or fruit juices. You can also chew them directly for a healthy and tasty energy break. To do a spirulina cure, just take a teaspoon per day, about 3 grams, with a large glass of water or lemon juice.

Why choose La Spiruline du Rocher’s spirulina flakes? Our spirulina is produced in our basins in Roquebrune-sur-Argens, in the Var. We cultivate it with respect for the environment and quality. We harvest it, dry it and package it with care to preserve all its nutritional properties.

Don’t wait any longer and order now our 100g spirulina flakes to enjoy all its benefits! You can place your order directly on our website or contact us by phone or email for more information. We offer free delivery from 50€ purchase!!

Spirulina flakes 100g

SKU: SPa100
  • Notre spiruline en paillettes est une source précieuse de protéines végétales, de vitamines, de minéraux et d'antioxydants.

    Sa forme en paillettes permet une utilisation facile dans vos plats quotidiens, qu'elle soit saupoudrée sur une salade, intégrée dans un smoothie ou simplement consommée telle quelle.

    La spiruline est reconnue pour ses nombreux bienfaits : elle renforce le système immunitaire, booste l'énergie, améliore la récupération après l'effort physique et contribue à la détoxification de l'organisme.

    Nos paillettes de spiruline sont garanties sans OGM, sans additifs et 100% naturelles.

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